Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Preview for Thurdercats - The Movie!


This Summer, Brad Pitt, Hugh Jackman, and Vin Deisel, among others, will be starring in the live action version of one of the sweetest cartoons from back in the day.

Thundercats! Hooooooooo!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Fred Armisen As Governer Paterson

Fred Armisen plays NY Governor David Paterson! His impression of New York's "accidental" governor debuted on Weekend Update on Saturday and it absolutely killed.

At the end of Weekend Update, Amy Poehler paused to say her final goodbye to the show, almost getting a little choked up in the moment, when Armisen then stumbled in front of the lens while phoning for "circus tickets" (what Poehler had just revealed is code she uses to her weed dealer).

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Dead Squirrel Prank...

Hilarious reaction from this guy after his buddies prank him with a dead squirrel.

Dead Squirrel Prank - Watch more free videos

The Good Old Butter On The Floor Prank...

I'll let the purveyor of this fine set of pranks unfurl this sordid tale himself... In other words, just watch...

(A bit NSFW for language.)

Air Horns Are Funny...

As the Midwest golf season begins to wind down, I thought I would post an oldie, but goodie. Here is the equation:

Jackass Guys + Airhorns + Golf = Hilarious!

Tom Cruise on Letterman

In the fine tradition of Tom Cruise and his behavior on talk shows, here he is the other night on The Late Show with David Letterman.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Let's Ram It!

Forget the Super Bowl Shuffle.... As they said back in the day in Los Angeles, "Let's Ram It!"

Thursday, October 16, 2008

What If Slang Was More Accurate?

For example...

"So I was at this total sausage fest last night, until these two hoes showed up with some total dogs, and a butter face."

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Clumsy Best Man Ruins Wedding

Is it possible to go from 'best man' to 'guy we'll never talk to again because you destroyed my special day' in 10 seconds?

Ask this guy.

Friday, October 10, 2008

"Excuse me, You know where The Gap is?"

A clip from the new comedy SEX DRIVE featuring a hilarious gag on unsuspecting Ian. In theaters October 17.

A Michael Bruno Classic

I believe this clip speaks for it self.

Artist: OutKast
Album: Speakerboxxx
Title: The Way You Move

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

One Big Step For Man... One Giant Step For Mankind

Some golfers just can't take a spacesuit joke...

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Don't vote. Famous people say so.

A new video featuring Leonardo DiCaprio, Halle Berry, Jennifer Aniston, Tobey Maguire, Eva Longoria, and a slew of other Hollywood actors has been released telling people why they should not vote.

Let me get this straight. Because these people are pretty, we should let them shape domestic and foreign policy. Oh, ok, I get it.

That was sarcasm, by the way.

Worst. Coach. Ever.

I kicked a few footballs for the Marquette University Golden Eagles. 41 yards was my longest field goal. That is why I was shocked when last Sunday, Lane Kiffen, the head coach for the Oakland Raiders, sent Sebastian Janikowski out to set a new record with a 76-yard field goal moments before half time.

Into the wind.

Lane Kiffen was subsequently fired.

Worst. Coach. Ever.

Monday, September 29, 2008

That's Not Racist - "Prease Crean My Crothes."

Just because you talk like a racist doesn't mean you are one...does it? A short by Shira Piven and Tavis Watson.

"Prease Crean My Crothes."

Aural Implant Technology - Do Not Consult Your Physician

"Private Eyes... They're Watching You..."

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

He's A Really Good Boy... Oh My God!

"Hey Mom, Dad, what's goin' on ...Alright this is it, I would like to introduce you the newest member of our family... Hey guys, this is Cherry- He's my new pug- He's a really good boy...

Oh My God... (X3)"

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Good Boy, Bubba!

Bubba the big doggie loves burritos. He loves them sooo much, he eats them in one bite. Here is Bubba "enjoying" a bean and cheese burrito from Taco Bell.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

What A Richocet! Holy Jeez Man!

The odds of being hit by a bullet ricochet are probably a billion to one, but I doubt that this incredibly lucky guy will think twice before putting a helmet on next time he picks up a rifle.

Old Timey French Kickboxing

The french make me laugh. I never thought they could look like bigger sissies until I saw what they considered "kickboxing" from the 1920's. Just look at the grace and form. Tres Bien!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A Web Classic: Grape Lady

Reporter Melissa Sander was doing a live segment for Fox 5 Atlanta on a grape-smashing competition at the Chateau Elan Winery & Resort in Georgia one day in the late 90's.

She fall down go boom.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

A Benny Hill Style Immigration Bust

Sometimes life imitates art. This is certainly one of those cases. The only thing missing is the guy in the gorilla suit.

Note: Check how many amigos y amigas get away.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

An Olympic Taco Pop

I love Shawn Johnson. Not only did she win a gold medal at the 2008 Beijing Olympics, but she also won a gold at the Taco Popper Championship.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Grandkids in the Movies

I love these dudes... I wish they were in my movies...

Thursday, July 24, 2008

The Catalina Wine Mixer


This is a deleted scene from the movie Step Brothers, starring Will Ferrell. I happen to think this is really really reallly funny.

Thursday Spanish Lesson

On a program akin to The Maury Povich Show on Univision, Jorge has found himself in quite a conundrum...

Translation: "Jorge wants to be hardcore, but his mom won't let him."

Monday, July 21, 2008

Welcome To Flavor Country....

Human beings will eat anything. Case in point. Despite ethical concerns about testing on humans, researchers say their work was necessary to determine the boundary between garbage and food.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Does Anyone Have A Spare Chair?

Professional wrestling lies somewhere between legitimate sports and those animatronic puppets that play music at Chucky Cheese. One part of the whole mess that is real are the fans. Watch what happens when a wrestler requests a folding chair from the audience.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Sound Check... One, Two

Wow. I can't say much more but, well, wow.

My favorite lines:

1.)I hit him in the face for insulting my beard.

2.)Too bad my wife's in charge of me...She awful...If I was to write a novel, it would be called "My Wife Theresa, The Common Piece of Street Trash."

Thursday, June 26, 2008

English people - "I can't beleive you've done this..."

With Wimbledon well underway, I thought I would post a bit of English charm. Even when these people mess with each other, they manage to uphold the most proper standards of language.

"This is the Daily Rant... Is the angle good?..."

Ah, the simple pleasures of life. A cool glass of lemonade on a hot summer day. The innocent curiosity of a newborn puppy. And perhaps the best of all simple pleasures- hitting your buddy in the back of his head, and capturing it all of camera.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Poor goalkeeping leads to fun blog-posting...

With the UEFA EURO 2008 Championship well underway, I thought I might dust off this old chestnut from the English Premier League.

Shaquille O'Neal raps quite poorly.

Lakers guard and NBA MVP Kobe Bryant has been unavailable for comment since a Youtube video surfaced of Shaquille O'Neal rapping about his former teammate during a recent freestyle session. Unfortunately, Kobe has been much too busy...

1.)Getting named to the Olympic team. (Shaq wasn't extended an invitation to the Olympic Basketball squad, or freestyle rap team.)

2.)Recuperating from the NBA Finals by going on vacation in Cabo with his wife that didn't divorce him. (Shaq-Fu's wife is divorcing him and taking... HALF!)

I'm sure Kobe will be absolutely heartbroken by O'Neal's comments. Just as soon as he gets back from Cabo, while getting ready for the Olympics in Beijing.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

A quick guide on how chicken is prepared.

With the recent tomato salmonella scare sweeping the mid-west, I thought I would shed some light on another salmonella carrier- the common chicken.

Please to enjoy!

Honesty in T.V. Journalism

Now here's a guy who really had a reason not to come in to work that day...

Monday, June 16, 2008

American craftsmanship at its finest...

Last week, the Ford Motor Corporation shut down the F-series truck plant in Dearborn, Michigan, as well as the Explorer SUV plant in Louisville, Kentucky.

They'll tell you it's because Americans aren't buying trucks anymore. The real reason is that American car manufacturers put an inferior product into a competitive market.

Apparently. America is gettinginto the production of treadmills. Here's an example.

This guy is doing just fine on his American-made treadmill, but then everything just falls apart.


Tiger Woods wins the 2008 U.S. Open

Tiger Woods might be the best golfer ever, but these to hillbillies found a way to make a great sport even greater.

Look at the style... the grace... the dimple marks...(0:20)

Just a bit of summer fun out on the Lake...

For anyone who is not familiar with the summer's newest craze, it's simply referred to as "Kite Tubing."

When these kite tubes reach high speeds, they take flight, and consequently slam the rider down into the water.

As of July 2006, 39 injuries and two deaths from kite tubing have been reported.

Tubing....To the extreme!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Dogs Make Everything Funnier...

When I was a kid, I thought Dana Carvey was one of the most hilarious innovative comics of his generation. I was wrong.

One thing for certain, though, is that anytime you add a dog to a comedy sketch, the probability of laughter increases by 150%.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I.F.H. Mondays

In honor of Memorial Day, I thought I would post an oldie but goodie. My favorite part is the happy birthday song.

"Happy birthday stupid annoying chick and gay douchefag, happy suck it F**c you!"

Try the Pepto-Bismol Chicken!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Crazy Punching

After bopping to the catchy music in Matt's post of "Crazy Dancing," It reminded me of some other music that I enjoyed bopping to. Therefore, I thought I would post this moderately amusing Saturday Night Live Digital Short of... Ahem...

"People Getting Punched Just Before Eating."

Please to enjoy.

Weezer's New Video! - Tasty!

Man, I do loves me some pork and beans. Sittin' by a campfire, the moon hanging low over the night sky, the sweet warmth of molasses and starch filling my belly.... Ah, chain-gang memories. But the new video for Weezer's "Pork and Beans" is almost as good, if less incarcerate-y.

Crazy Dancing

Typically, I wouldn't be posting a video about someone dancing, but this is seriously some of the coolest stuff I have ever seen. To be honest, the music is pretty catchy too.... This dude is S-I-C-K!!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Office in Japanese - Mushi Mushi!

When I first saw the British (original) version of The Office, (Genius at the 2:00 mark of the link,) I didn't think it was possible for it to get any funnier. Then I saw the American Version of The Office, and I didn't think that could get any funnier.

I was wrong. Check it out. Konichiwa.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

This is funny to me!

What a dick move!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Tropic Thunder

In the action-comedy "Tropic Thunder," Ben Stiller plays Tugg Speedman, who is cast in the biggest, most expensive war movie ever produced. He sets out to Southeast Asia with Kirk Lazarus (Robert Downey Jr.), Jeff Portnoy (Jack Black), Alpa Chino (Brandon T. Jackson), and Kevin Sandusky (Jay Baruchel). The actors are thrown into a real-life war-zone, and are forced to become the fighting unit they're portraying.

All Hail Oprah!

Every now and then, in life, there are unexplainable phenomena. One tries desperately to define them, typify them, or classify them. I, for my part, am absolutely dumbfounded by these pea-brained, child minded zombies. F*** Oprah, and her mindless army of vapid, mindless fem-bots.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sick Wiffle Ball!!

I got to play some Wiffle Ball this weekend which brought back some great memories. As I struck everyone out, it reminded me how good of a pitcher I used to be.......ok, well maybe I didn't strike everyone out.....alright alright, maybe 1 strike out, regardless, it reminded me of this video and how there are some SICK Wiffle Ball pitchers out there just a wee bit better than me. Check it out:

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

8-Bit Paintball

You don't have to be a paintballer to enjoy this piece of animated genius. It is an excellent example of the notion that sometimes, the best way to express an idea is through sheer simplicity. Give it a look.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Think your tough? EAT A HABANERO

This is an oldie, but I still think it is one of the funnier videos I have seen in a long time. Watch as the kid thinks he can handle the heat, but then it REALLY sets in. Good Stuff.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Songwriting - The Process.

For those of you who don't know, I like to fancy myself as a bit of a songwriter. After I penned such classics as Senor Blanco and All Around, I think it's safe to say I know my way around the block when it comes to composing the melody of a song, as well as it's lyrics and meaning. That's why I found this video so intriguing. In this clip, we get a backstage pass into the process that John Mayer puts into every song he writes. Please to enjoy!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Folks, right now we may need emergency surgery... in the studio!

1101-1816 is the item number on this one, and the nice thing about these practice katanas...

(bang) (bang) (bang)

Ow! Ohhh! That hurt! Ohhh. That hurt big time! A piece of that - the tip- just got me Odell!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Pineapple Express

This is the red band preview for Pineapple Express. I think it is gonna be one of 2008's funniest movies. Here's the plot:

"Lazy stoner Dale Denton (Seth Rogen) has only one reason to visit his equally lazy dealer Saul Silver (James Franco): to purchase a rare new strain of weed called Pineapple Express. When he becomes the only witness to a murder by a crooked cop (Rosie Perez) and the city's most dangerous drug lord (Gary Cole), he panics and dumps his roach of Pineapple Express at the crime scene."

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

McCain... Or McBain????

All of this backstabbing, mudtossing, and craphurling between Hillary and Barak has got to stop. What America needs is tough love.... And McBain is here to deliver it - with extreme prejudice!

Cubs vs. Sox Fans

Before you click on the link below, let me preface it with this. I am Chicago Sports Fan. Both my parents grew up on the South Side and are White Sox Fans and I grew up a Sox Fan. In fact, my nick name in baseball growing up was The Big Hurt after my favorite player, Frank Thomas. Then.....I went to college at DePaul University. Being on the North Side, you get submeresed into the Wrigleyville atmosphere, and truly, it is hard to deny. The pre-game bars, the bleachers, the after-game bars....it is truly a baseball fan's ideal college surroundings. For that, I will always be thankful to the Cubs. Needless to say, the link below exemplifies what you quickly learn in college what the difference between the two clubs is. The Sox fans that hate Cub fans are obviously aware of the current situation stated in this PowerPoint Presentation, and are rightfully unhappy about it. Solution??? BECOME A CUBS FAN!



Mr. Show ran on HBO from November 3, 1995, to December 28, 1998. A lot of people thought what made it so unique was that there weren't any language or content restrictions because it was on HBO. but I think it was because David Cross and Bob Odenkirk were such good writers. You be the judge.

Here are a few other Mr. Show Sketches that will tickle your funny bone.

The Story Of Everest
Larry Kleist - Rapist
It's Insane, This Guy's Taint!

Permanent Nutface Gary

This is clip from Will Ferrel and Adam McKay's website, Funny Or Die. It was written by and starring Rob Lathan. Why is this so funny? Because it started out as a stupid joke. Rob Lathan thought the Speak & Spell voice was so funny, that he would make up elaborate stories for his buddies, just because hearing the voice made them that much funnier. This was his favorite.

Don't forget to check out Permanent Nutface Gary's Myspace Page

Monday, April 28, 2008

It's Like Deja Vu- All Over Again...

This is a side by side comparison of this summer's Dark Knight, and the 1989 release of the Michael Keaton Jack Nicholson helmed Batman.

In this guy's opinion, this is an ingenious method to generate "buzz"- that all important x- factor in the contemporary world of the modern blockbuster.

"You've changed things, forever...
there's no going back.
See, to them, you're just a freak...
Like Me!"

-Heath Ledger's Joker.

Another coincidence...

Chris Nolan had an assistant named Tim Burton in the 1989 Batman,

and Tim Burton had an assistant named Chris Nolan in the 2008 Dark Knight...

(Cue Twilight Zone Music...)

Sometimes Audio Makes The Video

Looks like the typical stupid situation- some Jackasses have decided to tear an old beater a new one- but this video has something that most videos don't; audio panache.

1.) The build up. As the Subaru approaches, you can hear it picking up speed. The sound is augmented by the dude who is peeking around the corner.

2.) The Payoff. When the guy does the jump, the Dukes of Hazzard horn sound is so awesome, you can't help but laugh, and almost cheer on these morons.

Just Another Sunday Night on Cole Avenue

Where to begin? Just imagine being the officer on the scene who had to take the statement from the 38 year old Cole Avenue man.

Either he is very honest of very creative. Either way, this is the best police blotter I have ever seen.

I think the best part is that the burglar took the time to feed the guy's dog mushrooms before he left, rendering the poor pooch hallucinatory and dying.

What the article doesn't mention is that the little puppy was rushed to the veterinary hospital in a doggie ambulance, where it was eventually pronounced dead on arrival.

I was able to find a photo from the ambulance of the poor little pooch. (Below)

Crime Sucks.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Brunos in the Millenium

This is one of the funniest videos I have seen in a while. It reminds me soo much my elder sibblings. You have to see the similarities. #1 The smart ass brother who sees the seriousness and finds the humor in it. #2 The mother who is trying her best to make it serious, but can't hold back her laughter at her son's smart ass lightening of the situation. Best of all #3 The final breakdown of the girl into tears, and instead of consoling, the brother finds it the perfect opportunity to comment on how he is not only going to post all over the internet, but at how with her tears, it has now become the best home movie ever!

Sister Busted By Brother - Watch more free videos

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Kelly Clarkson is a big fat pig.

Look, I'm no Adonis, but at least I don't hog out on the beach... And I am not under the delusional impression that I am a real life icon of attractiveness, but I'm also not Ms. Independent.

Kelly Clarkson needs to look in a mirror...

According to MSNBC and US Weekly...

"The Grammy-winning pop star enjoys walking around her home in the buff, no matter the circumstances. That would include not just when close friends are around, but even when her home is "filled with strangers for photo shoots or fittings," reports the magazine. Why? "I just really like being naked," the "American Idol" star tells visitors with an apologetic shrug, according to the magazine."

"They tried to make me go to rehab and I said..."

O.k. Say what you want, but this is exactly what rock and roll needs. Imagine the scene without Winehouse. We would be left with Ashlee Simpson, Hillary Duff, and Pete Wentz.

Phil Collins would be rolling in his grave.

"The junkie singer, 24, is to be quizzed by police after claims she HEADBUTTED a Good Samaritan who hailed her a cab outside a bar.

Rehab star Amy, said to have PUNCHED a second victim in the face, sank to a horrific new low while high on Class A drugs.

Onlookers told how the married singer also SNOGGED a mystery fella at a nightspot and shocked punters by overturning tables and drinks.

She was later seen smoking drugs in the street, walked into a lamppost, and riled a cabbie by paying only HALF her promised fare home.

An onlooker said: “She was off her face, throwing drinks around and turning over tables. Amy screamed, ‘I am a legend, get these people out. I want to take drugs’.”"

This movie is going to suck balls. Period.

The new trailer for "The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian." dropped today, and I, for one, am embarrassed for them.

The first one sucked the big one, so I can only assume we're in for another turd. I will say though, Ben Barnes is smoldering.

Talk about a train wreck... Err car wreck?

Methinks this is all part of the publicity machine....

"A spokesman for the northern town of Limone sul Garda says the stuntman suffered serious head injuries when he and another stuntman crashed during a car chase sequence on a winding lakeside road. The spokesman says the stuntman underwent surgery at a hospital in nearby Verona. He said the second stuntman was slightly injured." - A.P.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

This thing is gonna be huge!!!!!

Ok Matt and Tom, Let's do this... I have a lot of layout work to do, but the ball is rolling (if ever so slowly...) Remember... Anything thing you think is funny cool, etc. Movies T.V. Culture, you name it!!!!