Thursday, April 24, 2008

Kelly Clarkson is a big fat pig.

Look, I'm no Adonis, but at least I don't hog out on the beach... And I am not under the delusional impression that I am a real life icon of attractiveness, but I'm also not Ms. Independent.

Kelly Clarkson needs to look in a mirror...

According to MSNBC and US Weekly...

"The Grammy-winning pop star enjoys walking around her home in the buff, no matter the circumstances. That would include not just when close friends are around, but even when her home is "filled with strangers for photo shoots or fittings," reports the magazine. Why? "I just really like being naked," the "American Idol" star tells visitors with an apologetic shrug, according to the magazine."


Unknown said...

Wierd Butch. And you are getting fat. Need to set an example for the young people. Not by poking up. You are hard to look at anymore.

Anonymous said...

She is a fucking pig just like Kelly Osbourne!

Unknown said...

I know this is an old post but, fuck you, why do we slam women for gaining weight when we say nothing about Al Pacino, Robert Deniro, John Favreau et al.what is it hurting you if she gains a couple pounds? I think she looks healthy, women should have curves. I don't know where you got your standards for health and beauty,but you live in a fantasy world if you think Kelly Clarkson is fat.

Anonymous said...

You fuck off Unknown from 2020. Men don't look as bad fat, and I'm saying this as a woman. Fuck off with your victimistic feminist horseshit: you must be as fat and disgusting as Kelly lmao

She's utterly repulsive, and her face is disgusting too, always sticking her tongue out between her teeth when smiling like a hog of some sort.

Bet you're one of those "Infinifats" that celebrates fat positivity and will die at 35 from congestive heart failure.

Unknown said...

I don't really care that she's fat I don't find her attractive to begin with but here's the reverse coin don't be mad at me because I've worked out all my life and I'm in awesome shape with a 32 inch waist as a male. I find nothing attractive about a heavy woman I understand why you'd rather stay fat because it's just too hard for you to get to the gym and eat correctly I want you all in the supermarket buying the worst s*** available stuffing your gullet and then looking at me like it's my fault. I grew up thinking I need to look as best as possible to attract the opposite sex and I need to stay that way once I'm in a relationship to keep that person's interest in me. I've watched in my lifetime man and women let themselves go completely as they slug around Walmart supermarkets and not giving a s*** if you don't give a s*** don't expect us to give a s*** about you.

Unknown said...

His are United States statistics 2/3 of the entire country of 327 million humans in the United States are obese not fat obese everywhere you look people are all the way do what I do go to the gym everyday put the time in you sleep better it'll force you to eat better you'll sense things clearer and you might even live longer growing up my mother never let herself get fat and that was the days when nobody went to the gym please stop blaming the rest of us for your condition that's the excuse that keeps you in the state that you remain in and instead of budding up with other land whales and heifers and saying there are no real men out there why don't you clean yourself up that means your hair your face put a dress on and start separating yourself from the rest of the woman on the planet it is absolutely disgusting to see a person who could get in shape constantly refuse it

Unknown said...

Cannot agree more she is not only a fat pig but when she puts her tongue between your teeth she is disgusting

Unknown said...

you she's a fat slob of a pig and always will be, that can't sing and is not funny at all, her dumbass show is an insult to the human race, who ever watches has a negative IQ and the ambition of the slug,

Unknown said...

I Agree

Anonymous said...

She's disgusting.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree

Anonymous said...

I've always said to myself what is wrong with her mouth. When she smiles the top of her mouth is all gums. She is a talentless fat pig

Anonymous said...

Yes negative IQ for sure

Anonymous said...

She also looks like she could be mama June's little sister

Anonymous said...

Get her off tv! Same with Jennifer Hudson! Both are disgusting and not worth being on tv. I quit watching the stations with these piglets on them.

Anonymous said...

Yes she is

Anonymous said...

Just disgusting. She’s the personification of sloth and everything that is wrong with the American attitude and diet. She puts exactly zero effort into being healthy. No one expects a fitness star but have some self respect for Christ sake.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Oiink oink 🐷

Anonymous said...

I heard she's dating Arnold the 🐖 🐷 from green acres they share the same slop

Anonymous said...

Hey hey hey its fat ass pig 🐖 Kelly Clarkson oink oink

Anonymous said...

I agree. She is a fat rich pig. Just like Jennifer Hudson. Fat and ugly.

Anonymous said...

Kelly Clarkson is a FAT PIG like Miss. PIGGY, I really never did like her anyways. I can care less

Anonymous said...

All of them are all FAT PIGS.